Defines CLI tools to be exported
!acto --help
usage: acto [-h] [-j JSON] [-c CSV] [-sm SLEEPMODEL] [-d] [-cbt] [--sleep]
            [-t THRESHOLD] [-m MULTIPLIER] [-p PERIOD] [-r] [--scatter]
            [-t1 T1] [-t2 T2] [-s SIGMA]

Make an actogram

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JSON, --json JSON  Specify a json file with the data
  -c CSV, --csv CSV     Specify a directory with csv data in it
  -sm SLEEPMODEL, --sleepmodel SLEEPMODEL
                        Machine learning pytorch model for steps and heartrate
                        to wake prediction
  -d, --dlmo            Integrate the model and plot dlmo times
  -cbt, --cbt           Integrate the model and plot core body temperature
  --sleep               Add sleep midpoints
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Threshold for displaying as light on the actogram
  -m MULTIPLIER, --multiplier MULTIPLIER
                        Steps to light multiplier
  -p PERIOD, --period PERIOD
                        Set the SPM period
  -r, --raw             Plot the raw steps and heartrate data
  --scatter             Plot the raw steps and heartrate data
  -t1 T1, --t1 T1       Trim data before this time, in days
  -t2 T2, --t2 T2       Trim data after this time, in days
  -s SIGMA, --sigma SIGMA
                        Smooth the light(steps) data
!esri --help
usage: esri [-h] [-a] [-j JSON] [-c CSV] [-s SIGMA] [-t1 T1] [-t2 T2]
            [-sm SLEEPMODEL] [-t THRESHOLD] [-o OUTFILE] [-np]

Compute the Entrainment Signal Regularity Index for a data set

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --actogram
  -j JSON, --json JSON  Specify a json file with the data
  -c CSV, --csv CSV     Specify a directory with csv data in it
  -s SIGMA, --sigma SIGMA
                        Smooth the light(steps) data
  -t1 T1, --t1 T1       Trim data before this time, in days
  -t2 T2, --t2 T2       Trim data after this time, in days
  -sm SLEEPMODEL, --sleepmodel SLEEPMODEL
                        Machine learning pytorch model for steps and heartrate
                        to wake prediction
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Threshold for displaying as light on the actogram
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        Path to the outfile
  -np, --noplot         Use this to suppress the plot